Want to "Guest Star" in lots of interviews? Upgrade your expert profile to join our Guest Stars category!
The "Guest Stars" category is featured on our home page and highlighted in all our emails. It's the first place that busy radio show hosts, bookers, bloggers, and reporters who use our service look to find new guests to interview.
Upgrade Your Profile to "Guest Star" status to:
* Get your expert profile added to the special Guest Stars category that is promoted on our Home Page and in every email we send, and
* Free "Bump Service" included moves your profile listing back to the top of ALL your categories, and
* Get *asterisks* added to your expert profile title so it stands out on category pages to more easily catch the eyes of show hosts, producers, and reporters, and
* Upgrading to "Guest Star" puts your profile back in the general email newsletter once again, and
* Get your expert profile included in every monthly edition of our Special Edition "New Guest Stars" email newsletter blasts. These go out monthly to our exclusive email list of radio producers, podcast hosts, journalists, and bloggers to keep your profile attracting more interviews!
This is an easy and affordable way to get a lot more publicity for only $8/month!
(Of course, you must have an active expert profile in at least one category. This re-posting will "bump" your profile up in our listings but it will also change the URL of your profile, fyi. And, you can cancel this upgrade anytime without affecting your basic profile(s) elsewhere on the site. )
[If you've already submitted your upgrade form above, you can make payment here.]
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See more Interview Guest Experts here.
Check out our "Guest Stars" here.
List YOUR Guest Expert Profile in our directory here.
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