Podcast Guests and Radio Interviews Directory

Melvin L. Jones: Living Life on the Diamond
Tonya GJ Prince: Advocate Speaker, Writer, & Leading Expert

Joyce Schafers: Relationship Counseling Expert

Joyce Schafers - Relationship Counseling ExpertUnresolved emotional pain from our past wreaks havoc on relationships but many of us aren't even aware it's happening.

In six sessions I help couples understand why their relationship has broken down and I teach them how to fix it.

My work focuses on addressing the emotional root issues underlying the problems so effective communication and emotional closeness is restored.

Interview this Expert About: *
The emotional root cause of problems in relationships.
3-4 Questions to ask this Expert: *
  1. What is at the root of most communication problems in relationships?
  2. Why do relationships fail?
  3. What are the two main qualities needed to make a great relationship?
  4. How is it possible to help a couple fix their relationship in six sessions?
Summary of Expert Credentials:
I have been a Life Skills Coach for 20 years and have developed a solution-oriented counseling model that identifies the emotional root issues underlying the problems in relationships. I am a best-selling children's book author and public speaker.
Expert's Website:
Booking Contact Email: *
Booking Contact Public Phone Number: (780) 264-0337

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