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* Scott Fox: Free Publicity Radio & Podcast PR Expert! *

Scott Fox - Radio & Podcast Publicity ExpertHow to get publicity for your products, books, and services?

Free publicity interviews on radio shows and podcasts are a cost-effective and fun public relations tool.

Scott Fox is the Founder of the #1 publicity interview booking website,

If your audience is interested in cost-effective marketing and public relations strategies, Scott can help.

Since 2008, his services have been helping thousands of Authors, marketers, and celebrities get more publicity and build their personal brands.

As the author of 4 best-selling books and a former radio DJ, too, Scott understands both sides of the publicity game. His expert advice is based on personal experience and can help your audience, too

Interview this Expert About: *
Easy ways to get free publicity through interviews on radio shows and podcasts.
3-4 Questions to ask this Expert: *
  1. What are radio show hosts and podcast producers looking for in an interview guest?
  2. Which is better for publicity - radio shows or podcasts?
  3. How can I find talk shows that want to interview me?
  4. What should I say in my "pitch" to get booked on the air?
  5. How can your new Podcasts & Radio Shows Directory help me get more publicity?
Summary of Expert Credentials:
  • Founder of, the #1 radio and podcast booking website.
  • Author of the Podcasts & Radio Shows Directory, a #1 Best-Seller in both's Podcasting and Public Relations categories.
Expert's Website:
Booking Contact Email: * [email protected]
Expert's Location and Time Zone: *
California, Pacific Time

Guest Expert Media Kit:  Download Guest Expert Media Kit & Questions PDF


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